Friday, December 11, 2009

Daily Announcements


SENIORS ARE REMINDED TO GET THEIR SENIOR PICTURE IN TO MR. WAGENAAR by Friday, December 18th. If there any questions, please see Mr. Wagenaar.

ALL STUDENTS ARE REMINDED TO ORDER YEARBOOKS ONLINE . The price is 60 dollars. For information, please see Mr. Wagenaar.

ATTENTION FORENSICS! Sign-up sheets for forensics categories are posted outside Mrs. Chopp's door. Today is your last chance to sign up and join the Forensics Team.

THE LHS DRAMA GUILD will hold additional auditions for their spring dinner theatre production on Wednesday, December 16 at 7:45 am in the auditorium.

FCA WILL BE SELLING ICE CREAM SUNDAES during the lunch periods next Tuesday, December 15 and Thursday, December 17. Cost is $1 each and proceeds will go to the local food pantry.

SENIORS: Your poinsettias will be here on Monday. Your orders will be ready for you to pick up in the cafeteria on Monday after school from 3:30 – 6:00pm. You must make arrangements to pick them up during this time. Please remember to tell your parents this information - Monday December 14; 3:30 – 6:00pm.

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GIRL’S BASKETBALL TEAMS on their victory last night over Bruce. Varsity won 42-31 and B Team won 31-21.

CONGRATULATIONS to the Wrestling Team on their victory over Superior last night 52-18.

STUDENTS GOING TO ORNAMENT MAKING AT LES TODAY need to let Mrs. Krings or Mrs. Diamond know if they will need transportation by noon today.