Friday, March 19, 2010

Daily Announcements


ACT STUDY SESSIONS: If you have not signed up for the English and Math ACT test prep, you may still do so. The English ACT Test Prep will be on March 31 during periods 1 & 2. The Math ACT Test Prep will be on April 8 during periods 6 & 7. Stop in at Student Services to sign up and to pick-up your ACT Test Prep packet.

THE KIWANIS SENIOR BANQUET is April 14. All seniors are invited to attend. Seniors are to sign up in the library by April 7.

GIRLS' VOLLEYBALL OPEN GYM is held each Sunday evening from 4 to 6 pm at the elementary school. Any girl's interested in playing volleyball are welcome. You do NOT have to be on a high school team in order to participate. Come and join the fun!

JUNIOR PROM FUNDRAISER: Don’t forget to donate to the shaving fundraiser if you want to see Mr. Keeble and Gerard bald and Mr. Nova without a mustache!

STUDENT COUNCIL will be sponsoring a food drive starting next week Monday and running through Friday. Boxes for each grade level will be located in the commons. Please bring in non-perishable food items. The grade bringing in the most items will win a prize!