Thursday, March 18, 2010

Haiti Fund Raiser

The schools of the Ladysmith School District took part in fund raising efforts by the Heart of the North Conference to provide financial support to the people of Haiti. After the recent earthquake in Haiti and it's devastating results, the Heart O’ North Conference schools decided they wanted to do something to help. The Heart O’ North schools, comprised of Barron, Bloomer, Chetek, Cumberland, Hayward, Ladysmith, Maple-Northwestern and Spooner, are usually recognized for their athletic rivalries. This time however, students in all eight school districts in elementary, middle and high school, put their brains and brawn together for the common cause of providing dollars for relief in Haiti. The fundraising was intense and varied, ranging from Hearts for Haiti cutouts and suckers, cookie making, to penny collections, even principals' dressing up in rival school cheerleading outfits. In the end, the final amount raised was $17,590.67, dollars! This money will go directly to helping the people of Haiti.