Monday, January 11, 2010

Daily Announcements


ARE YOU 18 AND LOOKING FOR A PART TIME JOB? The United States Census 2010 has available positions starting in February. Pick up a brochure in Student Services for more information.

STUDENTS WORKING OR DONATING BLOOD on Thursday for the American Red Cross Blood Drive are reminded to turn in prearranges to Mrs. Krings or Mrs. Diamond. If you are donating blood on Thursday, be sure to bring your photo ID, eat a good breakfast, and drink plenty of fluids this week.

DO YOU NEED HELP WITH ANY OF YOUR CLASSES as the semester nears an end? Student Services has a tutor available during study hall times or after school to assist with any of your academic needs. Please stop by Student Services to sign up for a time.

MALES 17 AND 18 NEED TO REGISTER FOR SELECTIVE SERVICE within a month of their 18th birthday. This is a federal law, and those who fail to do so may be denied student loans, job training, government jobs, and driver’s licenses in most states. We want you to have all the facts, take your civic responsibility seriously, and make the most of every opportunity. For registration details, stop into Student Services.

INDIANHEAD COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY is looking for 10-12 students to help make a video promoting teens opposed to underage drinking. Students will have the opportunity to help create, participate or act in the clip. You may also help with effects or assist in the directing. Please see Student Services to sign up by Friday, January 15. This is an exciting opportunity for any students interested in performing arts, drama, broadcasting, and acting.

PLAY PRACTICE IS TONIGHT right after school for all cast members.

SENIORS ARE REMINDED to turn in Pancake Breakfast ticket money to Mrs. Hamilton by Thursday. All proceeds go to Project Graduation.