Thursday, April 1, 2010

Daily Announcements


MATH ACT STUDY SESSION: Math ACT Test Prep is Thursday, April 8, during periods 6 & 7. Stop in at Student Services to sign up and to pick-up your ACT Test Prep packet.

JUMP RIVER ELECTRIC is looking for sophomores and juniors to represent Ladysmith High School at the Youth Leadership Congress on July 7-9 at the UW River Falls campus. Challenge yourself with taking part in hands-on workshops aimed at developing leadership skills. If you are interested, you might have the opportunity to serve on the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association’s Statewide Youth Board and may even win a trip to Washington D.C. Details are available in Student Services.

A REMINDER TO ALL STUDENTS of the opportunity to participate in a group before the end of the school year. Group topics can range from future planning, volunteering, AODA concerns, family issues, friend concerns, to stress or organization. Stop by Student Services to sign up or to discuss a group that you are interested in. Groups will be held during study halls or before and after school with Mrs. Opelt.

THE TIME OUT SHELTER is looking for volunteers to work at a dance on April 17 from 5-10 pm. They also need students to make decorations for the dance. The theme is the 50’s & 60’s. This is a great way to acquire community service!

SUMMER DRIVERS EDUCATION : Freshmen who are taking Drivers Education this summer need to sign up in Student Services.

HOSA T-SHIRTS FOR STATE are available. If you are going to the state HOSA competition, you may purchase a shirt for $10 from Mr. Bunton.

THE FORENSICS TEAM would like to thank everyone who contributed to our Hat Day fundraiser. The prize for ugliest hat went to Brad Pauley, with honorable mentions to Mrs. Weissinger and Mrs. VanDoorn.

SENIOR FORENSICS TEAM MEMBERS must see Mrs. Chopp ASAP today to finalize the color of the team shirts. If any other Forensics members did not turn in a vote or an order yesterday, this also needs to be done ASAP.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE A 2010 FORENSICS T-SHIRT, please see Mrs. Chopp today to order. Cost is $15.

DRESS CODE: With the temperatures going up and the days getting warmer, students are reminded of dress code requirements. Clothing must be appropriately fitting. Clothing must cover the back, shoulders, chest and midriff. Spaghetti straps, tube tops, halter tops, low cut clothing, short shorts, see through items are not permitted. Teachers may remove a student from class, or refer a student to the office for dress code violations. A student may be required to change, wear an over-shirt or sweat pants to remain in school for the remainder of the school day.

VOLLEYBALL OPEN GYM HAS BEEN CANCELLED: There will not be open gym for girl's volleyball on Sunday due to the holiday.

Enjoy the spring break and we look forward to seeing you next Wednesday after the vacation.