Friday, March 4, 2011

Music Update

On the weekend of February 19th Levi Strahm, Miki Long, Jared McHugh, Andrew Hetke, Liz Robertson, and Brea Daggett participated in the St. Norbert College Winterbandfest under the direction of newly hired director of bands Michael Knight. The group performed a variety of music ranging from Frank Tichelli to John Phillips Sousa. The students put on a very memorable concert! Please congratulate them on their accomplishment if you have the chance.

On March 8th the Ladysmith High School Jazz Ensemble will be performing for the Ladysmith Red Haters Society. The ensemble will be performing approximately 30-35 minutes of music that features some of the students' all time favorite songs.

March 22 at 7:00pm the School District of Ladysmith will host its annual All Schools Concert at the Ladysmith Middle School. The concert features the middle school choirs and bands as well as the high school choir and band. This is sure to be a great night of entertainment. Cost for admission is $3.00 with all proceeds going to the Ladysmith Music Booster's scholarship fund.

On April 2nd the Ladysmith High School Music Department will be hosting the annual Wisconsin School Music Association Solo & Ensemble Festival at University of Wisconsin Barron County Campus in Rice Lake. This festival features a wide variety of vocal, instrumental, and string ensembles and solos in which students from the northwest part of the state show case their talents on a more individualized schedule.

On April 9-10 the Ladysmith High School Jazz Ensemble will make its first trip to University of Wisconsin Eau Claire to participate in the Eau Claire Jazz Festival. This is a great opportunity for this fine ensemble to show case their talents as well as recieve feedback from world famous jazz musicians. The ensemble will see groups such as the United States Air Force Jazz Ensemble as well as Grammy Award winning UW-Eau Claire Jazz I.

On April 27th the Ladysmith High School Jazz Ensemble will host its annual Jazz Dinner Concert. This is a fundraiser for the band. There will be a great meal, door prizes, as well as other raffles and silent auctions. Please contact Kirk Yudes at for more information.