Monday, May 10, 2010

Daily Announcements


BASKETBALL OPEN GYM: Basketball open gym today and Wednesday for boys and girls is at the high school, 7:00-8:30 pm.

BINGO: May 11 will be the last opportunity to help with bingo at the Ladysmith Nursing Home this school year. Please get a school activity pre-arranged from Mrs. Kuehn and return it by tomorrow morning.

SUMMER WORK CO-OP: Students who have registered for the Summer Work Co-op through summer school need to stop into Student Services and see Mrs. Opelt.

CROSS COUNTRY: Student interested in running Fall Cross Country are to sign up in the Health room with Mrs. Olson this week. A meeting will be held the end of May to explain the summer running schedules and summer team run dates. All interested high school runners are welcome to sign up and participate in the summer runs.

WINTER DANCE TEAM: All high school students interested in participating on the Winter Dance Team next year should sign up in the library or Health room. There will be a meeting for all participants at the end of May to explain try-outs, competitions, and 2010 clinics. Please listen for upcoming meeting announcements.

GIRL'S VOLLEYBALL OPEN GYM is held each Sunday evening from 4 to 6 pm at the elementary school. Any girl's interested in playing volleyball are welcome. You do NOT have to be on a high school team in order to participate. Come and join the fun!