Thursday, February 25, 2010

Daily Announcements


GIRL'S VOLLEYBALL OPEN GYM is held each Sunday evening from 4 to 6 pm at the elementary school. Any girl's interested in playing volleyball are welcome. You do NOT have to be on a high school team in order to participate. Come and join the fun!

KEVIN FALKENBERG, ADMISSIONS REP, FROM UW BARRON COUNTY and TOMMY BENNETT, ADMISSIONS REP FROM VERMILION COMMUNITY COLLEGE will be here today during period 5. Be sure to stop by their displays during lunch and discover what UW Barron County and Vermilion Community College have to offer.

DOODLE 4 GOOGLE CONTEST: If any student would like to send in an entry for the Doodle 4 Google contest, our school has registered and can send in 6 designs. Please follow the guidelines on the Google website and then bring your finished design to Mrs. Bricco by Friday March 5th.

SENIORS NEED TO TURN IN THEIR SENIOR SURVEY SHEET to Mr. Wagenaar by this Friday. If you need one, stop by Mr. Wagenaar’s room and pick one up.

NATIONAL FINANCIAL CAPABILITY CHALLENGE: Students who have had Personal Finance before are eligible to take the National Financial Capability Challenge; the Challenge was not available last year; however, the year before students did well and received personalized certificates. Students are also eligible to earn a medal for doing extremely well. If you are interested in taking this online exam, please stop in and sign up with Mrs. Titera this week.

ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL PLAYERS: There will be open gym this Sunday and the two following Sundays from 1-2pm. Also, UW Stout is putting on a softball clinic on March 7th. Interested players may pick up forms in the library this week.

QUESTBRIDGE COLLEGE PREP SCHOLARSHIP: If you are a high school junior who has a strong academic record and an annual household income of less than $60,000 you are eligible to apply for the QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship to compete for admission to top-ranked colleges. The College Prep Scholarship awards selected students with full scholarships to college summer programs, an all expense paid campus visit, and an invitation to QuestBridge College Admissions Conferences at Stanford and Yale. Applications are available in Student Services.

ATTENTION SENIORS : According to the criteria for the Fogarty Scholarship, your letters of recommendation can not be written by anyone currently employed by the school district.

SENIORS: your transcripts are ready and may be picked up in Student Services.

Friday, March 5 is Lumberjack Day. See the bulletin board outside of the library for the sign-up sheets for the games, competitions, and activities. Get your teams together.