Monday, September 27, 2010

Daily Announcements

Sept 27, 2010

First hour teachers: Please tally, by grade, how many Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are dressed up for Monday’s spirit day which is: “Mix-match Day”. Return your tally sheet to Shelly Diamond or Cindy Krings on Friday morning immediately after homeroom so the winners can be announced at the Homecoming Assembly.

Tomorrow dress up for spirit week is: “gangster day”
Wednesday is Extreme Weather Day
Thursday: girls will be “fairytale day” and the guys will have “redneck day”
And Friday is show your school spirit with “purple and gold day”.
And don’t forget the powder-puff football game that will be played Friday on homecoming day. If you are interested in participating, you need to sign up on the student council bulletin board located outside of the library. You have until Wednesday at 3:30 to sign up.

There will be a meeting for the Freshman homecoming skit Wednesday morning at 7:45 in the Spanish room –Rm. 700,

LMS is selling hooded sweatshirts. Cost is $28 and must be paid when ordering and you have the option to put your name on the back. You will have until this Friday, Oct 1 to order. More information and order forms are in the library.

Any boy or girl interested in ordering a letter jacket, see Mr. Vollendorf in Rm 431.

There will be a Forensics meeting Wednesday morning at 7:45 in Mrs. Chopp’s room #749. You will be discussing putting on a haunted house and other fundraising activities.

Juniors interested in taking the PSAT need to sign-up Student Service must do so by Sept. 30. The test day is Wed., Oct 13 and cost is $14.00.

The Voice of Democracy Scholarship is open to all students in Grades 9 thru 12. The theme is: “Does My Generation Have a Role in America’s Future?” For more information, stop in Student Services.

Seniors: Be sure to check the window by Student Services for more scholarships. It is updated when new scholarships arrive and some of these scholarships have a deadline for when they need to be turned in.

LHS Homecoming Dance will be held from 9 PM until midnight after the homecoming game. The cost for admission is $7.00 however if you bring a canned food item, the admission is only $5.00. The dance is semi formal.