Friday, September 23, 2011

Weekly Bulletin

Ladysmith, Wisconsin

This past week, I had two opportunities to make it to my son’s school for after-school activities. Even though he is a teenage boy and doesn’t say much, I know it is important that I make these events and acknowledge his accomplishments. The same is true I am sure for the boys and girls at LHS. If you have the opportunity, check out students’ activities as the fall events wind down. Recall PBIS and STOIC, by concentrating your efforts into connecting with students. They deserve it.

Please note there will be a meeting for the principal’s advisory committee this Friday morning at 7:30 in the Library. We will discuss ideas for privileges and how to improve behavior. The PBIS committee will meet Monday of next week at 7:30 a.m., in the staff lounge. There will be a status breakfast at 7:15 in the Library on Friday next week. We are going a little earlier in order to acknowledge Bob King’s last day officially in the building. I hope everyone can stop by at least for a few minutes.

As I travel around to classrooms, I am impressed with the variety of activities taking place to assist student learning. Let me know if there is anything specifically you would like me to observe going on in your class. I enjoy when students show me what they are learning. Our goal should be students knowing and understanding more today than they did yesterday in each of our classes. Keep up the good work. - Bob Lecheler

Monday, Sept. 26 7:30 AM PBIS Mtg. - Staff Lounge
5:30 PM B & C Team VB @ Cameron

Tuesday, Sept. 27 3rd Hr Sophomore Jostens Mtg. – Auditorium
3:35 PM SPED Mtg.

Wednesday, Sept. 28 Academic Schedule
TBD GG Regional
7:30 AM PE/HEALTH Mtg.
3:35 PM TECH. ED. Mtg.

Thursday, Sept. 29 4:15 PM XC Varsity Invitational @ Tee-A-Way
5:30 PM SW @ Lakeland
6:00 PM BOE Mtg. – LMS
6:00 PM Fr FB vs. Spooner
7:00 PM VB vs. Chetek-Weyerhaeuser

Friday, Sept. 30 7:15 AM Status Breakfast,Social for Bob King- Library
7:00 PM V FB @ Spooner

1. Cafeteria:AM Brkfst 7:45-8:10 Ms. Harelstad

2. Bus Supervision:AM 7:45-8:10 Mr. Jansen PM 3:30-3:45 Mr. Frank

3. Detention: AM 7:45-8:10 Mr. Jensen – Room 231 PM 3:35-4:00 Mr. Novakofski – Room 750

Tue., Oct. 4 – Jostens-Sophomore class ring orders - 5A and 5B Lunch - Cafeteria
Fri., Oct. 7- Homecoming

1. Parking for Football Games will be in the two main east parking lots only. Entrance into the high school complex will only be through the highway 8 entrance. Handicap parking will be available in the back parking lot of the high school. An attendant will control access to this area.
2. Students are reminded that pagers are NOT allowed in school, and cell phones must be turned off, placed in your locker and not used in school during school hours.

SCHEDULE CHANGES: Wed., Sept. 28-Academic Schedule
Period 1 - 8:15 - 8:57
Period 2 - 9:01 - 9:43
Period 3 - 9:47 - 10:29
Period 4 - 10:33 - 11:20

Period 5 - 11:24 - 12:41 (A & B Lunch)
A Lunch: 11:24 - 11:54
5A Class: 11:2 4 - 12:11
B Lunch: 12:11 - 12:41
5B Class: 11:54 - 12:41

Academic Homeroom – 12:45 - 1:15

Period 6 - 1:19 - 2:00
Period 7 - 2:04 - 2:45
Period 8 - 2:49 - 3:30

Robert Lecheler, Principal